Conservatory Furniture... In Another Reality | Conservatory Furniture VR
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Conservatory Furniture… In Another Reality!

Want to improve your house without leaving the house? Virtual reality is looking increasingly like a more feasible and even popular solution!

A recent study looked at the effectiveness of VR product demonstrations for items of furniture, which comprised two distinct stages, each focusing on user demonstrations and follow-up surveys.

The results of the study were very interesting, indeed. They found that the interactivity of VR provides even greater user satisfaction than if customers were browsing in catalogues or on the website.

Customer Satisfaction

The study identified three key areas of satisfaction that were most important to customers:

  • Overall Rating – this speaks for itself, being how highly users rate the product
  • Hedonic Appeal – that is, perceived luxuriousness and willingness to buy as a result
  • Practical Quality – how useful the product is for its intended purpose and additional benefits
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Virtually Real

With the right technology, preparation and demonstrators, it’s clear that virtual reality could go on to become a key part of the furniture sales process. In fact, while this study focuses wholly on furniture, this could well become a useful part of all sales processes in various industries.

Will we see VR become part of everyone’s buying experience in the new few decades or even just years? Is virtual reality going to take the place of actual reality for the buying and selling experience?

Fair Trade Furniture – The Future of Furniture

Here at Fair Trade Furniture, we’re taking it one step at a time. VR is still a few years away from becoming a reality (if you’ll excuse the pun), and we firmly believe that nothing beats trying the furniture for yourself – particularly with our Fair Trade products’ innovative design and manufacture.

In this reality or any other, if you’re interested in new furniture for your conservatory, summerhouse or garden room, we recommend you arrange a visit to our Dorset showroom. As we always say, sitting is believing! We look forward to seeing you (in real life) soon!
