What is feelgood furniture?
Our aim is for you to feel good in body, mind and spirit when you sit in these chairs.
We asked our Swedish designer Tord Kjellstrom to create a range of distinctive chairs which would feel good in every sense of that phrase: nice looking, really comfortable, produced on a fair trade basis, using natural materials that can be sustainably sourced.
His designs successfully combine stylish aesthetics with extraordinary comfort, based on a really deep understanding of ergonomics and human posture.
And you can rest assured that the products are Guaranteed Fair Trade, and have a limited environmental impact… so all the more reason to feel good whenever you sit in one of our chairs.

What do our customers say?
“Ooohh! That’s more comfy than my living room furniture…”
Right from the start we were excited by the comments real people made when we first tested the chairs. We hear these sort of nice comments every time we show the chairs. Watch this video to see peoples’ reactions.
Typical comments we have heard over the years:
“Deceptively comfortable”
“It feels like it’s hugging you”
“Spacious and roomy”
“Can curl up and read a book in it”
“I feel cosseted”
“Feel like I have permission to slouch!”
Ingredients of ‘Feelgood’…
So what are the ingredients of a ‘feelgood’ chair or sofa?
- Innovative and stylish designs
- Ergonomic support for the back and head
- The comfort of feather cushions
- Natural and sustainable weaving materials
- Excellent craftsmanship
- A fair deal for the producers in Indonesia

The Feelgood Experience
What we mean by a feelgood experience
We have called the resulting collection tsantaiTM: the name came from the word ‘santai’ which means relaxation and feeling good in Indonesian. We think it’s a suitable summary of what Tord and we have created.
To find out more about what makes this feelgood furniture special please watch this video.