Summerhouses - Not Just For Summer | Fair Trade Furniture Company
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Summerhouses – Not Just For Summer

Some things are exactly what they say on the tin, as certain famous advertising campaigns have impressed upon us over the years. But sometimes labels can be misleading. What’s in a name, after all? While summerhouse is a beautiful term and a popular feature for any home, you won’t want to take its name at face value, or you’ll find yourself limiting the potential of a living space that is as versatile as it is eye-catching.

If you’re the proud owner of a summerhouse, or if you’re thinking of investing in one, you may quite rightly be asking the question – can a summerhouse only be enjoyed in the summer? While the name may suggest so, that is not the case.

Here at Fair Trade Furniture, we provide stunning, comfy furniture to help you get the most out of your conservatory, garden room or summerhouse – not only in the summer months but all year round. In this guide, we’ll give you some handy hints and tips to help you enjoy your summerhouse house in all seasons.

Summerhouses in Autumn and Winter

There’s nothing cosy that having somewhere warm and cosy to escape to in the winter months. As the darker nights start to creep in and the sun begins to set earlier, many people love to sit out in their gardens with a warm drink and unwind after a long day.

With a summerhouse, this is easier and more peaceful than ever. You don’t have to wait for these autumn and winter nights to be dry – even if there is light rain, you can sit in your summerhouse, shielded from the elements, and let the night draw in around you. Plus, if you add in a handy heater, you’ll stay warm and cosy inside your space.

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Summerhouses at Christmas

When winter draws in, there is the inevitable, inescapable main event ever looming on the horizon – Christmas! Who wouldn’t want their own festive grotto at home to decorate and adorn with Christmassy paraphernalia? This is yet another use that a summerhouse is perfect for, extending its versatility into all seasons, even those that couldn’t be further from summer.

Why not hang some fairy lights in your summerhouse, or even get an extra tree for you and the family to decorate? What’s more, if you have outside lights or decorations, a summerhouse is the perfect vantage point from which to enjoy these without suffering from the biting cold. If you’ve already thought about a heater, you could take this one step further and invest in a log burner for cosier, more natural heat, and to fully complete the Christmas aesthetic.

Summerhouses in a Classic British Summer

We are of course ignoring the elephant in the room (or, perhaps, in the summerhouse) here. The term “summer” doesn’t really mean much here in the UK, and this time of year is still no guarantee of warm, pleasant weather. If we’re lucky, sometimes we get a few weeks of actual, what-dreams-are-made-of summer, where the sun is shining and if anything it’s “too hot” more often than not. And usually, this time is broken up by periods of rain too.

That’s why it’s important to be able to enjoy your summerhouse not only in the warmest, driest, most idyllic summers, but all through the year, whatever the weather. The joy of a summerhouse (or one of them, anyway) is that you sit indoors, with a roof above you to protect you from the elements, while you enjoy the outdoors, a little closer to nature.

Whether the sun is shining or rain is falling, you and your loved ones can relax inside your summerhouse, enjoying the fresh air, gorgeous views and total relaxation.

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Fair Trade Furniture for Summerhouses

Here at Fair Trade Furniture, we’re passionate about helping people to enjoy their summerhouses all through the year, at all times, whenever they want. Regardless of season or sunshine, sit and relax and unwind in your sheltered safe space – in the comfiest furniture you can imagine.

We offer a wide range of chairs and sofas in a range of stylish fabrics, designed as part of our ‘feelgood’ mantra, to let you enjoy your summerhouse to its full potential. To find out more about the ranges we offer, we welcome you to explore our website, browse our online shop and arrange a visit to our stunning showroom.

At our showroom, you’ll be able to see the furniture in situ. Whether you visit us in summer or winter, you can understand exactly how versatile summerhouses are and how you enjoy them in all seasons.
